SAA Interest Group

The overall goal of the SAA Island and Coastal Archaeology special interest group is to provide an international forum for archaeologists working on islands and coastlines. A group within the SAA dedicated to examining these issues is essential if we are to satisfactorily critique and explore how islands and coastal environments influenced human settlement and adaptation, and how maritime behaviors developed and changed through time and space in different regions of the world.

The interest group publishes a biannual newsletter called “The Current”, past issues of which can be found on this site.

The interest group is comprised of two committees comprised of both faculty and graduate student representatives:

Executive Committee

Scott M. Fitzpatrick (University of Oregon)
Victor Thompson (University of Georgia)
Christina Giovas (University of Queensland)
Todd Ahlman (Texas State University)
Kristina Guild Douglas (NMNH, Smithsonian)

Meeting Committee

Victor Thompson (University of Georgia)
Catherine West (Boston University)
Todd Braje (San Diego State University)
Jessica Watson (University of Albany, student member)

The ICA special interest group solicits requests for sponsorship of a session at each SAA conference. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Victor Thompson.